Monday, November 3, 2008
A Short Story About A Girl Named 'Patience' (part 1)
And so her story continues.
The boy named Jeremy lived 14 blocks downhill, away from Patience' house, and the story of how they met was somewhat tragic. Patience was 15 years, 11 months, 30 days and 15 hours old when she met this dashing young 17 year, 5 month, 13 day and 2 hour old boy. Patience was running her chores, and the next on her daily list was to deliver a bundle of grain to the Willard's house, which was 12 blocks downhill from her house. She rode her trusty Rusty bike that had a basket on the handle, down the hill. She saw the 2-light traffic light, that was 8 blocks away, that showed green. To the right, she saw a truck coming slow on the road that would intresect with her's. "I can make it!" her impatience grew hot. "i have 15seconds to cross that intersection before that truck... i cant wait to finish this already... i hate waiting!" then she sped all the way down the hill with all the thigh power she had. "13...12.....10.......PEDAL FASTER!!!!" she told herself as she got nearer and nearer to the traffic light. "3....2..." then the light changed red and the truck was 24inches, with a velocity of 102MPH, from her as she sped past the intersection safely. " YESSS!!!" she shouted. With her speed she let the her feet free of the bike's pedals as her speed was too much for the bike's rusty breaks to control. she was speeding past the 9th, 10th, and 11th blocks but her speed did not waver. she was starting to worry when the past the 10th and now she could no longer control the bike, all she could do now was shout "OH SH*T!!!! " then she covered her mouth with both her hands the instant she said that FOUL, FORBIDDEN word. Her eyes widened as she realized that the bike was out of control when she let go of the handle and.. CRASH! Her bike went full stop when it hit a metal picket fence that threw her flying in the air. She landed on a bed of dried autumn leaves not far from the fence. She lost consciousness.
When she came-to, the first thing she saw was a blurred vision of a blond-haired angel who spoke with an unfamiliar but musical baritone voice, "Are you ok?". Her vision cleared and what she saw was not an angel but a handsome young man with a patrician nose and curly blond hair, that was NOT her type at all. She got up and dusted herself of the leaves. The boy said "i heard a scream and i ran out of my house when i saw you fly from my fence to this pile of leaves. Are you ok?" his eyes were emerald green and lips of cherry blossom and and height of about 6'4" and cheeks as high as Brad Pitt's. "I'm fine thanks.. I'm patience." she handed out her hand to him. His eyes widened as he took her hand "and im Jeremy" He smiled to her with pearly white teeth. all she did was show him a quick smile and ran to her bike. "I think you're hurt, you shouldn't ride your bike yet." he shouted as she broke her run with a false limp on her right because she realized ("This boy is quite handsome, and caring... i should make him mine.. even though he's not my type.") she smiled to herself as she heard him run to her side. "Where are you headed? i shall take you there." he declared with a mighty display of golden chest-hair. She faced him and said, "Up the hill, Good sir."she got to her bike and tried to ride it."Nonesense, call me Jeremy. don't ride the bike. I can see that you have a limp, so i shall carry you on my back." She raised her brow and thought ("this guy's such a player.. and this is going to make me wait, but what can i do? i'm a damsel in distress and my prince, whose not my type, has come to save me.") she chuckled at her thought. "alright, Jeremy. 2 blocks up the hill we go." and she hopped on his back, he held up the the bike and walked alongside it as it rolled while he dragged it and started up the hill with patience(the virtue) riding the trusty rusty bike alongside them.
TO BE CONTINUED.... dum dum dum dummmmmmmm
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Not D.B. Cooper's parachute
By GENE JOHNSON, Associated Press Writer
April 2, 2008
SEATTLE - A tangled, torn parachute found buried last month last month is not the one used by plane hijacker D.B. Cooper when he bailed out of a plane over the Pacific Northwest, the FBI said Tuesday. Investigators reached that conclusion after speaking with parachute experts, including Earl Cossey, who packed the chutes provided to Cooper that rainy November night in 1971.
ADVERTISEMENT "From the best we could learn from the people we spoke to, it just didn't look like it was the right kind of parachute in any way," said FBI spokeswoman Robbie Burroughs.
Further digging at the site in southwestern Washington turned up no indication that it could have been Cooper's, she added.
A man calling himself Dan Cooper — later mistakenly identified as D.B. Cooper — hijacked a Northwest Orient passenger jet from Portland, Ore., to Seattle on Nov. 24, 1971.
At Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, he released the passengers in exchange for $200,000 and four parachutes and asked to be flown to Mexico. He jumped out the back of the plane somewhere near the Oregon line.
Some of the cash has been found, but his fate is unknown, and investigators doubt he survived.
Children playing near a recently graded road found the parachute, and they urged their father to call the FBI because they had seen recent news stories about Cooper's case. The parachute was the right color, and the location was in the middle of what could have been Cooper's landing zone.
That got the attention of FBI agent Larry Carr, who drove to the site to see the find for himself.
But Cossey told Carr that Cooper's parachute was made of nylon. The one the children found was made of silk and did not feature a harness container. Cossey sold parachutes at a skydiving operation in Issaquah in the 1970s.
Cossey has been through the drill before; this is the third time the FBI has asked him to examine parachutes to see whether they might have been Cooper's.
One chute found long ago — he couldn't remember when — was just a "pilot chute," used to pull the main chute out of the pack. The other time, in 1988, it was a parachute found by a Columbia River diver seeking clues to Cooper's fate.
"They keep bringing me garbage," Cossey said. "Every time they find squat, they bring it out and open their trunk and say, 'Is that it?' and I say, 'Nope, go away.' Then a few years later they come back."
Cossey, though sounding cantakerous, appeared to relish the spotlight Tuesday. He answered his cell phone with "D.B. Cooper" and said he got a kick out of telling some reporters that the parachute was, in fact, the hijacker's.
One reporter called him back angrily, saying he could be fired for writing a false story, but another said the newsroom enjoyed the April Fool's joke.
"I'm getting mixed reviews," Cossey said. "But I'm having fun with it; what the heck."
Saturday, March 29, 2008
D.B. Cooper found?
Who was D.B. Cooper?
The particulars of D.B. Cooper's clever airborne crime and daredevil getaway have been pondered, picked over and recapitulated for three decades now.
In 1971, D.B. Cooper hijacked and threatened to blow up an airliner, extorted $200,000 from its owner, Northwest Orient, then leaped from the airborne 727 with 21 pounds of $20 bills strapped to his torso.
He was never seen again—dead or alive. The crime was perfect if he lived, perfectly crazy if he didn't.
In either case, D.B. Cooper's nom de crime—no one knows his real name—may be the most recognized alias among western felons since Jack the Ripper.
Everyone from dour G-men to giddy amateur sleuths have pored over the details, hoping to wheedle a resolution out of some overlooked aspect, as though a clue concealed in the holdup's hieroglyph of facts might lead to an a-ha!, a la Inspector Clouseau.
Yet the case remains unsolved more than 30 years later, and D. B. Cooper has become the Bigfoot of crime, evading one of the most extensive and expensive American manhunts of the 20th century. The whereabouts of the man (or his remains) is one of the great crime mysteries of our time.
Of course, the annals of wrongdoing are stuffed with titillating unsolved cases, from London's notorious ripper in the 1880s to the Black Dahlia murder of an aspiring actress in Los Angeles in 1947 to the befuddling murder—and muddled investigation—of little Jon Benet Ramsey in 1997 in Boulder, Colo.
But D.B. Cooper's crime was different. First, no innocent bystander was injured, although law enforcers argue that he put several dozen lives at risk.
There was modest collateral damage to Northwest Orient's bottom line, and the FBI's swollen ego was bruised to the bone. Cooper pulled his buccaneering swipe in the twilight of the 47-year tenure of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who died not long after the hijacking. The director no doubt went to his grave with teeth gritted over his agency's inability, in this case, to get their man.
Cooper's crime also was unusual in that it helped rally critical support for sweeping air travel security initiatives, including passenger screening. Until D. B. Cooper's skydive, it was entirely possible to walk aboard a jet carrying a bomb.
Most law-abiders react with revulsion to violent criminals, with disgust to extortionists, and with a tsk-tsk to the preponderate larcenies that fill crime blotters in police stations across
Yet Cooper induced more smiles than frowns.
Hijackings became more violent and less palatable as the 1970s wore on, and the destruction of September 11, 2001, makes any such act seem evil.
But D. B. Cooper's crime was of its time, the early 1970s, when antisocial behavior had cache. Many Americans commended his moxie. He was celebrated in a song, film and books. He managed to tweak J. Edgar Hoover's nose and finagle a bag of loot from a big corporation. He was Robin Hood for tie-dyed longhairs—and not a few wearers of more traditional attire.
But did D. B. Cooper get away with it? No one can say for certain. We do know that he could have survived the dangerous nighttime skydive because Cooper's caper, like a crime science experiment, was replicated with complete success by a copycat aerial clip artist just months later. That hijacker hit the ground safely, although the mimic ultimately paid dearly. The copycat case also spawned a controversial theory about the fate of Dan Cooper.
Coincidentally, Cooper himself probably copied a similar hijacking that occurred two weeks before his endeavor.
Many others have tried variations on the airline extortion technique—generally with less success. Some have "splattered," as law enforcers like to say. FBI investigators believe Cooper probably met that fate—a fatal kiss of the ground. But their opinion is far from unanimous.
Books by a half-dozen authors, including three separate tomes by ex-FBI agents, have posited theories—some serious, some spurious—about what happened to Cooper. Several men have stepped forward claiming to be Cooper, although none convincingly so. Some believe Cooper is alive and well and living on a beach in
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
don't you just hate it when:
you're getting to the good part of your DREAM and suddenly!
the alarm rings!!!!
or someone wakes you up!!!!
or the toilet's calling your bladder!!!!
you're getting to the good part of a MOVIE and suddenly!
someone knocks on the door!!!! (makes you hit on pause and get the door)
or the power turns off!!!!
or the toilet's calling your bladder!!!!
you're getting to the good part of your VIDEO GAME and suddenly!
someone knocks on the door!!!! (makes you hit on pause and get the door)
or the power turns off!!!!
or the toilet's calling your bladder!!!!
or its dinner time!!!!
** if you'd like to add something, just comment on this post ;p
cool! Ledger's new movie's coming out without him

Trio Steps in for Ledger
Feb. 17, 2008, 3:40 PM EST
Depp, Law and Farrell join Gilliam's "Parnassus"
By Stuart Oldham
Terry Gilliam's "The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus" has been saved from cinematic doom, according to Ain't It Cool News.
Despite the tragic death of pic's star Heath Ledger, Johnny Depp, Jude Law, and Colin Farrell have all signed on to play Ledger's character, 'Tony,' in the film.
"Parnassus," which is being produced by William Vince ("Capote"), Amy Gilliam and Samuel Hadida's banner, was shooting in London when Ledger died from an accidental overdose January 22nd.
Ledger's character is transported into three separate dimensions in the fantasy pic; these new worlds, which Ledger accesses via a paranormal mirror, will now be inhabitated by Depp, Law, and Farrell.
No word yet on when production will resume but the film is on board for a 2009 release and is skedded to be shopped around at AFM by Mandate Int'l.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
hmmm.... normal yet not normal...
You Are Fairly Normal |
2) You think fishnet stockings are trashy Why You Aren't Normal: |
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Season of LENT

"One of the wonderful things about the Lenten season is a sense of being in process. Lent is our spring-time of new growth and renewed life. Lent is the season to realize that God is continually creating; that God's grace is continually moving through us; that the man or woman who can be open to this creative power and can feel a sense of movement and expansion within is the one who experiences God's life-giving Spirit most fully."

Fasting is often times seen as pointless and unnecessary in an individual-centered society like the one in which we live in today. On the other hand, there is another extreme in fasting. There is a temptation to become spiritual athletes for Christ and practice intense fasting losing focus of our ultimate end: to grow closer to Christ. But it is in solidarity that our fasting can be fruitful in our spiritual life: when we realize that we are not alone, that we are united with members of the Mystical Body of Christ in the name of His love.

Spiritual Practices
Lent can become almost like that time of New Year’s when we start making resolutions and we later break them after the season ends. Although it does not have to necessarily be that way. Lent can be a time for training and disciplining our will to start certain spiritual practices that if successful can extend well beyond the Lenten season and even for life. Personally, it was during one Lent two years ago when I decided to attend daily Mass and start praying the Liturgy of the Hours. I still practice both two years later, although with daily Mass schedules nowadays, it becomes difficult to attend Mass every day working a full-time job and going back to school at the same time. Nevertheless, perhaps you may want to try to go to daily Mass and visit the Blessed Sacrament or start praying the Liturgy of the Hours or read a chapter of Scripture every day or start a new devotion—or be more perseverant with the ones you already practice.
So let us go forth and make this Lenten season count. Let us allow the grace of the Lord transform us so we can cultivate solidarity in humility in our hearts as we attempt to grow closer to Christ during these 40 days and receive Him joyfully on Easter Sunday.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
deadly combination - MENTOS + COKE
A little boy died in Brazil after eating MENTOS and drinkding Coca-Cola / PEPSI together. One year before the same accident happened with another boy in Brazil . Please check the experiment that has been done by mixing Coka-Cola (or Coka-Cola Light) with MENTOS . So be careful with your self eating MENTOS (POLO's) and drinking COCA-COLA or PEPSI together. CHECK THIS OUT...
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
more about softdrinks!

Leif Parsons
It is well known that too much soda can increase the risk of diabetes and obesity. But when it comes to kidney problems, is there a difference between colas and other kinds of soda?
Colas contain high levels of phosphoric acid, which has been linked to kidney stones and other renal problems.
The authors of the study say more research is needed, but their findings support the long-held notion that something about cola — the phosphoric acid, for example, or the ability of cola to pull calcium from bones — seems to increase the risk of kidney stones, renal failure and other conditions affecting the kidneys.
There is good evidence that cola beverages can increase the risk of kidney problems, more so than noncola sodas.
Monday, January 28, 2008
things i love and hate....
1. Dana loves to eat: FOOD! but sometimes i'm picky.
2. Dana hates to eat: Ampalaya, Ocra, Dinuguan, raw meat or fish, and anything slimy(except fruits: like Marang and others).
3. Dana loves to go: To the beach, the mountains, the springs(hot spring or cold), anywhere that's peaceful and where i can be free.
4. Dana hates to go: To places that are smoking areas(like restaurants that people can smoke in).
5. Dana loves it when: She gets creative and gets to indulge in her creativeness.
6. Dana hates it when: She gets bored.
7. Dana loves to see: The world and kids.
8. Dana hates to see: People fighting...
9. Dana loves to hear: Nature, acoustics, alternatives, world music, house music and her guitar.
10. Dana hates to hear: Hard rock metal punk.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Heath Ledger's DEAD!!!!

Actor was found in NYC apartment; no obvious indication of suicide evident
MSNBC News Services
updated 7:56 p.m. PT, Tues., Jan. 22, 2008
NEW YORK - Heath Ledger, the talented 28-year-old actor who gravitated toward dark, brooding roles that defied his leading-man looks, was found dead Tuesday in a Manhattan apartment, face-down and naked at the foot of his bed with prescription sleeping pills nearby, police said.
There was no obvious indication that the Australian-born Ledger had committed suicide, NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said.
Ledger’s publicist, Mara Buxbaum, issued a statement this Tuesday night, saying, “We are all deeply saddened and shocked by this accident. This is an extremely difficult time for his loved ones and we are asking the media to please respect the family’s privacy.”

According to The New York Times, his body was moved to the floor, and after receiving no response from the actor after shaking him, the masseuse and housekeeper called authorities.
“We are investigating the possibility of an overdose,” Browne said. “There were pills within the vicinity of the bed.”
Police do not suspect a crime, The Times reported.
A source told's Courtney Hazlett that Ledger had been turning down roles lately.
The Times initially reported that Ledger was found in an apartment owned by actress Mary-Kate Olsen, but a spokesperson for the actress, who is at the Sundance Film Festival, later told the Times the apartment was not Olsen's.

An autopsy was planned for Wednesday, medical examiner’s office spokeswoman Ellen Borakove said.
Monday, January 21, 2008
SOFT Drinks: not so soft at all

This poison goes by many brand names, such as Coca Cola and Pepsi. Generically, this poison is on the market in formulations known as soda, pop, and soft drinks. It includes all carbonated beverages--even carbonated plain water. The various substances in sodas compound the problem, especially the typical formulations with their carbonic acid or phosphoric acid.
1. The carbonation irritates the stomach.
2. The stomach "cures" the irritation the only way it knows how. It adds the only antacid at its disposal: calcium. It gets this from the blood.
3. The blood, now low on calcium, replenishes its supply from the bones. If it did not do this, muscular and brain function would be severely impaired.
But, the story doesn't end there. Another problem with most soft drinks is they also contain phosphoric acid (not the same as the carbonation, which is carbon dioxide mixed with the water). This substance also causes a drawdown on the store of calcium.
So, soft drinks soften your bones (actually, they make them weak and brittle) in three ways:
1. Carbonation reduces the calcium in the bones.
2. Phosphoric acid reduces the calcium in the bones.
3. The beverage replaces a calcium-containing alternative, such as milk or water. Milk and water are not excellent calcium sources, but they are sources.
Diabetes in a can
The picture gets worse when you add sugar to the soft drink. The sugar, dissolved in liquid, is quickly carried to the bloodstream, where its presence in overload quantities signals the pancreas to go into overdrive. The pancreas has no way of knowing if this sugar inrush is a single dose or the front-end of a sustained dose. The assumption in the body's chemical controls is the worst-case scenario. To prevent nerve damage from oxidation, the pancreas pumps out as much insulin as it can. Even so, it may not prevent nerve damage.
But, this heroic effort of the pancreas has a hefty downside. The jolt of insulin causes the body to reduce the testosterone in the bloodstream, and to depress further production of it. In both men and women, testosterone is the hormone that controls the depositing of calcium in the bones. You can raise testosterone through weight-bearing exercise, but if you are chemically depressing it via massive sugar intake (it takes very small quantities of sugar to constitute a massive intake, because refined sugar is not something the human body is equipped to handle), then your body won't add calcium to the bones.
Add this to what we discussed above, and you can see that drinking sweetened colas is a suicidal endeavor. And now you know why bone damage formerly apparent only in the very old is now showing up in teenagers.Cancer in a can
In the spring of 2005, research showed a strong correlation between esophageal cancer and the drinking of carbonated beverages. We aren't providing extensive detail here yet, because the subject is still rolling through the medical community.
Basically, it works like this:
1. You drink soda.
2. It makes you burp (acid reflux, actually).
3. The burping carries acid into the esophagus, causing lesions.
4. The lesions become cancerous.
So, maybe it's not so bad if you sip sodas instead of guzzle them. By the time this issue settles out through double blind studies (rather than statistical analysis only), that is probably what researchers will conclude. It's common sense.
Of course, the softdrink companies have conducted their own flawed studies using flawed methods to obtain the flawed results they want. This way, they can deny that their toxic products also cause esophageal cancer in addition to other diseases their beverages cause. I wonder if these folks have flawed sleep at night, or if they are just psychopathic?
Do a Yahoo or Google search on softdrinks + esophageal cancer, and you'll get several thousand pages of results. Most of the articles say softdrinks "may" cause esophageal cancer. And that's true--in the sense that lying down on a railroad track "may" get you run over by a train or holding a revolver with one bullet in it and pulling the trigger "may" blow your brains out. It's a game of chance. How many chances do you want to take?
You can search online for data on the number of esophageal cancer cases per year and the startling increase in this cancer occurring with the huge ramp-up in soft drink consumption. This disease was unheard of two generations ago--now, it's common. You can also search for the source reports and articles. But, that's not really necessary because basic science is at work here:
1. Mechanical damage to cells is a huge risk factor for cancer. It's why asbestos particles, for example, cause lung cancer.
2. Soft drinks cause acid reflux (stomach acid rising up past the esophageal valve). This is more pronounced when the body is horizontal (as in sleeping), but the sheer volume of soft drinks consumed in the USA means the acid reflux is well past the danger point. Any time you ingest a gassy drink, you are going to get belching--and acid into the esophagus. How much is too much? The research doesn't say where the limit is--it only shows that most Americans are far, far, far past it.
3. Stomach acid dissolves tissue--that's its purpose. The stomach lining does not extend into the esophagus, so the lower esophagus gets damaged by acid far more frequently in soft drink users than in non soft drink users. This results in a radical increase in cell mutations, along with a far higher level of free radicals.
This isn't an attack on the Coca-Cola or Pepsi corporations. It's a revealing of the truth about all carbonated beverages. This has been widely reported in many authoritative sources.
Remember, soft drinks kill.
'panaginip' by moonstar 88
The feel of the wind, that is so sweet
Our love that has no end
The feel of the wind, that is so sweet
Riding on the road going to heaven
from my sight…
Paggising ika’y nasa aking piling
Ang simoy ng hangin na kaytamis
Pag-ibig nating walang hanggan
Ang simoy ng hangin na kaytamis
Sakay sa daan papuntang langit
Sa aking paningin…
Sunday, January 20, 2008
How to give yourself CANCER with the top 5 cancer causing delicious foods
There are some foods that people who are at high risk for developing cancer should definitely avoid. Generally, says natural health researcher Mike Adams, they should avoid foods that contain ingredients known to cause cancer, such as refined sugars and grains, hydrogenated oils, and nitrates. But which foods are the absolute worst?
The top five cancer-causing foods are:

weightlifter- OUCH!
He remembers a loud popping, splattering noise then a fierce stabbing pain and then not being able to move from the squat position. He remained in this position for about half an hour, since trying to stand caused him overwhelming agonizing pain. Paramedics arrived and applied anesthesia on the spot and carried him to an ambulance. He was rushed to surgery, where surgeons described the trauma as an explosive and aggravated prolapse of the bowel". Meanwhile it was revealed that the weight was removed from his shoulders at the time of the incident by two "spotters" on either side of the lifter. The third spotter who was standing behind the lifter was unfortunately sprayed with fecal matter at the time of the incident. This spotter promptly fainted when he realized the extent of of the injury to the lifter, who was a personal friend.
This compounded the task of first aid officers who were at a loss as to how to treat the injury to the lifter in any case, who remained in the squatting position moaning in pain much to the consternation of the helpless audience. The hapless lifter had successful surgery to relieve the prolapse, but remained immobilized with his feet elevated in stirrups for 2 weeks to ensure "internal compliance with the surgery and that the organs retracted successfully".
To add insult to injury, the ex-lifter required rectal stitching to partially occlude the anal orifice and stitch the rectal passage (which had significantly expanded and torn during the prolapse) and also was put on a low fiber low residue diet to combat flatulence to avoid any possibility of a recurrence.

Sushi worms to sushi lovers........
He developes a severe headache for the past 3 years and has put it off as migraine and stress from work. It was only when he started losing his psycomotor skills that he seeks medical help. A brain scan and x-ray reveals little however. But upon closer inspection by a specialist on his scalp, the doctor noticed small movements beneath his skin. It was then that the doctor did a local anaesthetic to his scalp and discovered the cause when tiny worms crawled out. A major surgery was thus immediately called for and the extent of the infestation was horrific. See the attached pictures to the scene that one thought only a movie could produced.:
Remember, tapeworms and roundworms and their eggs which abounds in all fishes fresh or saltwater can only be killed by thorough cooking and/or freezing the fish to between 4 degC - 0 degsC. The eggs of these parasites can only be killed if it is cooked or frozen to the said temperatures for a week or more. Think twice about that raw dish next time... or you might get a headache.
caution: hurling is expected.

wash before wearing!
This is not for the weak; I have never seen anything like this. Read the article first before looking at the picture and film. This looks horrible. Oh my God!!!!!!! Ladies this could happen to you and Guys this could happen to your wife, girlfriend, partner so please BEWARE,and also warn others.
It has been reported that this is happening in Zimbabwe as well, please make sure you iron your undergarments before you wear them and make sure that your clothes are ironed when they are dry and not damp. The picture is horrible but I felt that I should share with you. After anthropologist Susan McKinley came back home from an expedition in South America, she noticed a very strange rash on her left breast. Nobody knew what it was and she quickly dismissed it believing that the holes would leave in time. Upon her return she decided to see a doctor after she started developing intense pains. The doctor, not knowing the exact severity of the disease, gave her antibiotics and special creams. As time lapsed the pain did not subside and her left breast became more inflamed and started to bleed.
She decided to bandage her sores however as Susan's pain grew more intense she decided to seek help from a more certified doctor. Dr. Lynch could not diagnose the infection and told Susan to seek the aid of one of his colleagues who specialized in dermatology whom was sadly on vacation. She waited for two weeks and finally was able to react the dermatologist.
Sadly,a life changing event was about to unfold during her appointment.
To Miss McKinley's surprise, after she removed the bandages, they found larva growing and squirming within the pores and sores of her breast. Sometimes these wicked creatures would all together simultaneously move around into different crevices.
What she didn't know was that the holes were in fact, deeper than she had originally thought for these larvae were feeding off the fat, tissue, and even milk canals of her bosom.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Masked Reflection
For Vanity
Her name is Vanity. I see myself staring at the person in front of me. She copies my every move and she smiles so tenderly while she fixes whatever that’s not perfect of me.
I try not to call upon Vanity, but she makes me want to keep standing in front of her and let her do her magic on me. She keeps me perfect and flawless in her yes, that when she’s finished, she looks at me like an artist pleased with her masterpiece. “Now the world is ready to see you”, smilingly she told me.
She surprises me every time I see her at a place other than the rectangular box in my room. She checks on me all the time, that I can’t help but let her fix me again. Like a mother doting on her daughter, she dotes on me. “Everything must be perfect! Everyone must never see you flawed!” she always tells me. But do I really want that, when my life is everything but perfect?
I wonder what her life is like behind that wall of glass. She’s always smiling and I’ve never seen her cry. I wish I was like that, I wish my life was like hers. She seems so perfect and so free, that I long to BE her.
I stood in front of her one day and said, “Vanity, why do you care for me so? When I was sad, you made me smile. When I was down, you gave me a make-over to give me back my spirit. I ask you again, why do you care to make me perfect in the eyes of unfamiliar people, when I myself am not?!” She stared back at me with mixed feelings. She gave me no reply, then I asked her, “Who are you really?”. Her silence was deafening, and then I realized, “Oh! I forgot. You are me, my mask, my reflection… my Vanity.”
I see myself staring at the person in front of me, the person behind that thin wall of glass. Her name is Vanity and even though I see her familiar face, she is still every bit a stranger to me, my masked reflection.
Hope Against Hope
He'll never change
not even for me.
It’s kinda hard to let go
but now I know
I hoped against hope, and still
he doesn't know
that I still love him so.
I was waiting, not giving in,
still his stubborn mind
could not accept
that his pride must be let go
I waited for him to want me back,
but instead of starting over,
he just hit me with words that hurt me so.
He went off and found
a younger, much younger lover,
a gold digger in his school.
He will never change,
and that hurts much more.
I’ve tried to elope, to cope with him.
Yet nothing's changed.
All those years,
my tears have been wasted,
ignored, taken, and shunned away.
For years I’ve been giving, living for him
and only him.
Yet he's never been honest,
loyal, and denies everything
that stains his name.
I’m sorry for my mistakes,
for my children to suffer for my sake.
I’m sorry for hoping,
that my destiny would change.
But now I know, that
hope is beautiful, frightening
and betraying.
Although hope is an illusion,
something I look forward to,
with fear that it may not be fulfilled.
I will not stop
hoping against hope.