Tuesday, February 19, 2008

don't you just hate it when:

you're getting to the good part of your DREAM and suddenly!
the alarm rings!!!!
or someone wakes you up!!!!
or the toilet's calling your bladder!!!!

you're getting to the good part of a MOVIE and suddenly!
someone knocks on the door!!!! (makes you hit on pause and get the door)
or the power turns off!!!!
or the toilet's calling your bladder!!!!

you're getting to the good part of your VIDEO GAME and suddenly!
someone knocks on the door!!!! (makes you hit on pause and get the door)
or the power turns off!!!!
or the toilet's calling your bladder!!!!
or its dinner time!!!!

** if you'd like to add something, just comment on this post ;p

cool! Ledger's new movie's coming out without him

Trio Steps in for Ledger
Feb. 17, 2008, 3:40 PM EST
Depp, Law and Farrell join Gilliam's "Parnassus"
By Stuart Oldham

Terry Gilliam's "The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus" has been saved from cinematic doom, according to Ain't It Cool News.

Despite the tragic death of pic's star Heath Ledger, Johnny Depp, Jude Law, and Colin Farrell have all signed on to play Ledger's character, 'Tony,' in the film.

"Parnassus," which is being produced by William Vince ("Capote"), Amy Gilliam and Samuel Hadida's banner, was shooting in London when Ledger died from an accidental overdose January 22nd.

Ledger's character is transported into three separate dimensions in the fantasy pic; these new worlds, which Ledger accesses via a paranormal mirror, will now be inhabitated by Depp, Law, and Farrell.

No word yet on when production will resume but the film is on board for a 2009 release and is skedded to be shopped around at AFM by Mandate Int'l.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

hmmm.... normal yet not normal...

You Are Fairly Normal

You scored 65% normal on this quiz

Like most people you are normal in some ways...

But you aren't a completely normal person. You're a little weird too!

Why You Are Normal:

1) When you're in a car, you prefer to be the driver

2) You think fishnet stockings are trashy

3) You rather be screwed over than screw someone else over

4) You think glasses can make someone more attractive

5) You would rather be an astronaut than a movie star

Why You Aren't Normal:

1) You would rather be tan than pale

2) You would not eat meat from a cloned animal

3) If given the choice, you would choose to have more time over more money

4) You eat the cupcake first

5) You know a little about many subjects

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Season of LENT

Lenten Season
"One of the wonderful things about the Lenten season is a sense of being in process. Lent is our spring-time of new growth and renewed life. Lent is the season to realize that God is continually creating; that God's grace is continually moving through us; that the man or woman who can be open to this creative power and can feel a sense of movement and expansion within is the one who experiences God's life-giving Spirit most fully."
Growing in virtue this Lenten Season
"What are you giving up for Lent?" we are often asked during this time of year. This question usually refers to which specific food or drink we are going to stop eating or drinking during this season. Some go further and want to give up TV shows or the Internet. Although these practices of disciplining the will may sound trivial (because many people go back to their same old practices after Lent), if they are coupled with a true sense of solidarity and strong spiritual practices, they can lead us into growing in virtue during this season. It is through small acts that we can grow in humility; nevertheless, they cannot be isolated from our final goal—to reach unity with Christ.
Fasting, Abstinence, and Solidarity
Fasting is often times seen as pointless and unnecessary in an individual-centered society like the one in which we live in today. On the other hand, there is another extreme in fasting. There is a temptation to become spiritual athletes for Christ and practice intense fasting losing focus of our ultimate end: to grow closer to Christ. But it is in solidarity that our fasting can be fruitful in our spiritual life: when we realize that we are not alone, that we are united with members of the Mystical Body of Christ in the name of His love.
In other words, if you decide to stop drinking sodas or eating chocolate during this season, because they are not good for you or they make you fat, your attempts may not be all that fruitful spiritually (perhaps physically!), because they do not extend vertically or horizontally, religiously speaking. A different approach may be to actually practice fasting and abstinence as outlined by the Church and if you desire you can abstain also from certain foods of your choice, but all of this has to be done in a context of solidarity with others and in “offering it up” to Christ. Solidarity means that you recognize others’ needs and that they are always in front of you. For instance, when you fast it is a way of recognizing the hunger that many suffer around the world and the injustices that make this happen. Or when you don’t drink that soda that you usually love is a way of knowing we can leave our desires aside and understand that many people around us do not have the luxury to fulfill their desires even if they are really small and harmless as a can of soda can be.

Spiritual Practices
Lent can become almost like that time of New Year’s when we start making resolutions and we later break them after the season ends. Although it does not have to necessarily be that way. Lent can be a time for training and disciplining our will to start certain spiritual practices that if successful can extend well beyond the Lenten season and even for life. Personally, it was during one Lent two years ago when I decided to attend daily Mass and start praying the Liturgy of the Hours. I still practice both two years later, although with daily Mass schedules nowadays, it becomes difficult to attend Mass every day working a full-time job and going back to school at the same time. Nevertheless, perhaps you may want to try to go to daily Mass and visit the Blessed Sacrament or start praying the Liturgy of the Hours or read a chapter of Scripture every day or start a new devotion—or be more perseverant with the ones you already practice.

So let us go forth and make this Lenten season count. Let us allow the grace of the Lord transform us so we can cultivate solidarity in humility in our hearts as we attempt to grow closer to Christ during these 40 days and receive Him joyfully on Easter Sunday.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

deadly combination - MENTOS + COKE

A little boy died in Brazil after eating MENTOS and drinkding Coca-Cola / PEPSI together. One year before the same accident happened with another boy in Brazil . Please check the experiment that has been done by mixing Coka-Cola (or Coka-Cola Light) with MENTOS . So be careful with your self eating MENTOS (POLO's) and drinking COCA-COLA or PEPSI together. CHECK THIS OUT...