and so her story continues...
Patience is back in her room, back to the world she knows so well, back to the 12:01 a minute past her birthday to the world known as reality.
"hmmm.." Patience told her puppy named Slow, "i wonder if im going to see Jeremy tomorrow... waddaya think Slow?" Slow wimpered and licked her nose. "i guess we'll just see about that. guh-night Slow" the Patience kissed Slow on the head.
then she rolled over to her side to see the stars outside her window, "goodnight jeremy..." she whispered to the endless see of stars. and she closed her eyes to sleep.
her dreams were filled with patience(the virtue) and Patience was everything patient! Patience rolled over her bed partially screaming at her birthday nightmare, a nightmare about waiting.
she woke up with beads of sweat and eyes full of tears. apparantly "waiting is... TERRIFYING!!" she shouted to the world.
(this is an update but an unfinished update... sorry guys for my)